Network Saftey Tips
Network Saftey Tips
Personal Information is Personal
Make It Appropriate
Phony advertisements and sites are designed to get your information. Do not click on links or visit sites that might be designed for this purpose.
Don't Invite Junk Mail
Be careful when filling out forms that ask for your e-mail. Many sites will send you junk mail that is hard to get rid of.
Buying and Selling
When selling or purchasing items on the school Bulletin Board only deal locally. Suspicious emails from other countries should be considered fraudulent.
Select a strong password to keep your accounts protected. A combination of numbers and letters to a non-word works the best. Also, it is suggested you have several passwords and don't use the same password for all of your accounts.
Don't Get Addicted
The internet can be addictive. If you find that you are staying up late, or spending too much time on your computer, take a break and do something else.
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